The Best Ways to LOSE STOMACH FAT, Weight Lifting EXERCISE To Lose Fat FAST
Thursday, March 14, 2019
If you have decided that you are carrying a little too much
stomach fat, do not worry you are not alone. If there is one part of the human
anatomy that causes people the most concern about their size, it has to be
their stomach. It is probably one of the first areas that we start to notice
that we are putting on weight and "getting a bit of a belly".
Losing stomach fat is probably one of the hardest parts of
dieting, because the stomach muscles are hard to isolate as they are not a
muscle group that we use all the time. But losing stomach fat can be done, but
you will have to be patient. Despite what the adverts will tell you there are
no miracle fat loss pills on the market that will burn your stomach fat off at
night while you sleep. Losing your stomach fat is going to be all down to your
hard work.
The best way to lose your stomach fat is by changing your
eating habits and doing the correct type of regular exercise. Eating the right
types of food is essential, cutting back on unhealthy foods that are high in
sugars and fats and eating a more balanced diet. Exercise will play a big part
in getting rid of your stomach fat. The key is, that you have to do the
exercises that isolate the muscles in your abdomen, and perform them correctly.Sit ups, crunches and squats are the exercises that will work your stomach
muscles. If you combine these exercises with a cardio workout your whole body
and general fitness will benefit. So you can lose your stomach fat but it will take
perseverance and patience on your part.
The Best Weight Lifting Exercise To Lose Fat Fast
Only a small amount of people are aware that lifting weight
is one of the best exercises to lose body fat and even a smaller amount of
people are aware how to do it right. Your basal metabolic rate increases with
other words you burn more calories at rest. This is the beauty of weight
lifting for fat loss you burn the most calories after the workout. In this I
don't give you a list of weight lifting exercises. You get a much better deal I
show you how to lift weights in such a matter that you see maximal results.
What you need is a combination of these two. Lifting weight
and doing cardio together with a solid nutrition plan are the answers for
maximum fat loss without muscle loss. This is by far the best method to lose
fat permanent and save. Most people don't do this because it takes time and
self discipline to achieve the results.The duration of the best weight lifting
exercise is about forty-five minutes.
Don't try to train with weight longer than one hour if you
train to long you will ee the opposite result. If you train to long you will increase
your level of cortisol and that is catabolic hormone that breaks down muscle.As
said before even the best weight lifting workout won't get result without
cardio. The question is should I lift weight first or should I start with a
cardiovascular exercise. If your time schedule allows it split your routines
into separate sessions. Split testing your routines minimizes the risk of
overtraining Perhaps it is not possible to split your routines then do your
cardio immediately after your weight training.
Muscles are not growing during the workout but after the
workout. You should give your muscles enough time to recover so it is not
recommended training more then two days in a row without giving yourself a day
rest. If you are a beginner start to train with three days a week but never
train more then five days a week even if you are more advanced.Most people
don't know how much repetitions they must do and giving a correct answer is
nearly impossible. A repetition between 6 and 12 is ideal however how much
exactly depends on your goal. Is your primary goal fat loss or muscle loss?
Which muscles do I want to train. But one thing is sure high reps don't mean
that you burn more fat. Resting between sets is also an important factor and
again it plays a role if your main goal is to burn fat or to increase muscle
I'm sure you have some ideas know how to select the best weight lifting exercise for fat loss. No matter if your goal is fat loss;
gaining muscles or both you still need a good nutrition plan.