Rotate the Carbs - Lose Weight Faster!

Rotate the Carbs - Lose Weight Faster!

carbs lose weight plan

Though a large number of dieters stick to a "low-carb" or even a "no-carb" diet to lose weight, this article suggests Carb Rotation, a somewhat different and healthier way to look slimmer.

A dieter usually opts for one of the two approaches offered by a Carb Rotation program. The first approach: it consists of three stages. Stage number one: no carbohydrates at all. This stage lasts for the first three days. Stage number two: a carbohydrate rich diet. This stage lasts for one day. Stage number three: again, strictly no carbohydrates at all.

Now, the approach to Carb Rotation as discussed above also has a side effect. Though it would help the dieter reduce weight quite fast, but you have to follow the approach very scrupulously. Following the approach almost religiously would trigger starvation response. As a result, the hormone called lipoprotein lipase is secreted in the body in much larger quantities than under the usual normal diet patterns. It would slow down the metabolism rate considerably.

Another result of this approach to Carb Rotation is that when a dieter deprives himself of the carbs continuously for three days, he would feel a very strong urge to consume much greater quantities of carbohydrates during the second stage (i.e., the fourth day). It may almost lose the purpose behind the approach and the Carb Rotation program may fail sadly.

So, considering the side effect and a higher probability of failure of the first approach to Carb Rotation, the second approach that offers a "high, low, no carb" program seems to be more sensible.

In sharp contrast with the first approach, the second approach would let you rotate your carbs, reduce weight and even maintain a healthy rate of metabolism, thus keeping you away from the side effect that you may have to suffer if you follow the first approach.

When you follow the second approach, you get back to high carb stage after the low carb one. So, you do not have to deprive yourself of carbohydrates for three days. It will not trigger the secretion of lipoprotein lipase and the metabolism rate will not be reduced. Now, it makes sense to follow second approach.

Besides letting you lose weight, Carb Rotation helps control fitness problems related to the levels of blood sugar and insulin. So, why not give Carb Rotation a try in order to be slimmer and healthier too.

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