carbs and weight loss diet

Carbs and Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight healthily and permanently, it is very important for you to understand list of good carbs and the relationship between carbs and weight loss, what types of carbs we should be eating and what types of carbs we should be avoiding so we can achieve our weight loss goals and enjoy a healthy body and lifestyle.

How many carbs to lose weight calculator , Let's just quickly look at the effects carbs and weight loss or weight gain have on your body. When we eat carbs, the body converts it into glucose that is used for energy in our bodies, but because of our low activity levels most of the glucose are converted to triglycerides by the liver and stored as fat. Your body releases a hormone called insulin to transport the glucose to the bloodstream.

Fat, carbs and weight loss

Insulin plays a major role in fat storing. Fat make us fat and the current obesity pandemic is a result of us eating too many carbs, what are carbs , in particular refined carbs and sugar. It is quite possible that the low-fat, high carb diets we've been told to eat are not only making us heavier but contributing to other chronic diseases as well. An increase in scientific studies indicates that a diet low in carbs is more effective for weight loss and weight management than a diet low in fat.

We have been lead to believe that all foods that are marked 'low fat' are better and healthier for us but this can't be further from the truth. These foods are loaded with fat replacements to make them more palatable. The function of these fat replacements are to imitate the fat they are replacing, found in almost all processed foods. Fat replacements have a high carb content and raises the carb content of the food.

Experiment with carbs and weight loss

Try this low carb diet plan for weight loss experimentTake a look at the nutritional label of any product marked 'low fat' and check the carb content, now try this with a same brand product that is not marked 'low fat' In most cases you will find that the product marked 'low fat' will have a higher carb content. Interesting. You will be surprised at how many extra carbs are hiding in your fridge under a 'low fat' label, so the next time you go shopping, check those carb contents and make better and healthier decisions.

Low GI carbs and weight loss

Reducing carb intake is paramount to avoid developing metabolic syndrome. Low carb diet weight loss expectations is A balanced, reduced carb diet consisting of limited protein, fat and small portions of low GI carbs are recommended for healthy weight loss. Avoid potatoes, rice and pasta in one meal, choose one and limit the portion size and watch out for fruit juices and processed foods claiming to be 'low fat' when they really have a very high carb content.

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