The Best Exercises For LOSING WEIGHT - Full Body WORKOUTS For WEIGHT LOSS (No Equipment)
Monday, March 11, 2019
Common thinking says that the best exercises for Losing Weight are long low level cardio exercises like running, elliptical,
Stairmaster and others. However, as you will see there is a significantly
better way to lose weight significantly faster.
Let's look at the situation. To lose a single pound of fat
requires you burn 3,500 calories. This is a lot considering the average person
only burns 2,000 calories a day. Cardio exercises are good, however, even if
you run a few miles you will only use a few hundred calories. This will take
some time to lose the weight you want to lose.
The best exercise for losing weight is lifting weights.
What? Don't believe me? I know, you're thinking that you can burn more calories
in an hour of running than you can in an hour of lifting weights, and you're
right. The fat burning effects of lifting weights come when the workout is
This is because the more muscle you build the more fat you
will burn because muscle weighs more than fat and the body has to work harder
throughout the day to carry itself.
But, if you do compound exercises that work multiple muscle
groups you will exert so much effort that your body will go into a state of
metabolic shock and burn calories at a higher rate for days after. These are
exercises such as the bench press, dead lift, clean and jerk as well as others.
Now, if you want to really compound the fat burning effects
of these exercises do them with a kettle bell. Kettle bells have been shown to
burn as many as 20 calories a minute so you get the same effects of running distances
in a shorter amount of time.
Are you looking for
some of the best exercise to lose weight at home? Then you can save money
without going to the gym and know that you can still lose weight when you
carefully and seriously spend time on these exercises in the comfort of your
If going to the gym is a huge job for you then devoting only
30 minutes a day to your home to do any of these exercises will lead to a very
significant change in your body.
These exercises help your body get fatter, just as people go
to the gym.
1. Ladder Sprint or Flight of stairs You can't have a car
like a treadmill or a bike at home, but it doesn't mean you can't achieve
weight loss. Just use the stairs in the house.
Exercise is great for burning fat, otherwise it is more
effective to burn body fat than to jog in the right way. It's easy, run up and
down the stairs three or four times, then rest for about 30 seconds and walk
Then you have to repeat the process.
2. Jump Rope or Skip This is one of the strongest calorie
burners. This is estimated to consume even more calories than a quick start.
You must understand that he really has an obligation to
continue to do so. If possible, try to miss a one-minute singles top and rest
for a minute. Then start over and do it in alternating cycles of about 30
minutes or 10 to 15 rounds.
If you use this method, please believe, you can really burn
fat from your body.
Using a set of adjustable dumbbells For those of you who are
looking closely at your body, this is also a very big exercise method you can
It can be used to solidify your body in resistance training,
and you can be in the lungs, squat, shoulder presses, chest presses, lying on
the floor, bicep curls and many others to aim the whole body through the
procedure. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions at the same time and rest for about two
When the circuit is complete, repeat again.
Resistance band If you don't like the idea of using
dumbbells, another very good way is to use resistance bands.
They are popular now and have the advantage of keeping them
in your closet as well.
Hold the two sides of the resistance band to your arms and
do the same exercises that you can do with dumbbells, such as squats, shoulder
presses, and chest presses. You can use one of these exercises to lose weight
at home, but it is not boring to do exercise and you can try to take turns any
two of these exercises in your weight loss exercise