What causes a MIGRAINE - How to cure migraines NATURALLY without MEDICINE

what causes a migraine

What Cause A Migraine
Migraine is a type of pain that is caused on one side of the head and sometimes become very acute headaches sometimes just feels on the side of the head. Some people often suffer from migraines for a long time in their lives and sometimes have no regrets. Have been very dangerous for these people if it continues taking medication migraine in a long period of time, because that would give rise to immunity to certain medications. But there are many natural ways to cure migraines without medication from doctors you know. We will see some natural way a complete and detailed account of how to cure migraine below:

Very simple to cure migraine and it is best to apply something cold like ice water on your head and lie down in a dark room without light. The darkness helps in curing headaches, because it gives a calming effect on the nerves. It can also compress the forehead with unused with warm water on the forehead. With enough sleep and assisted with hot and cold compress therapy and sleep in a dark room will grow healing migraines quickly.

Another way to cure migraines without drugs is drinking coffee but coffee include caffeine high, though did not give an immediate effect but prescribed for Migraines is a drug containing caffeine. But don't overdo it consume caffeine because it isn't good for your stomach.

Light exercise
Exercise and walking to absorb fresh air e.g., days can be absorbed into the human body, and it will help to cure migraines. The fresh air gives a lot of freshness and reduce the pain of migraine automatically. Migraine headaches are usually caused by physical and psychological stress due to work-routines. Fresh air can alleviate this stress from human body and refreshing. Another way to cure migraines is to give a massage in the forehead with a massaging the nerves around the forehead will provide a calming effect and relieves pain in head due to migraines.

Research has revealed that apple cedar vinegar solution is also very effective to cure migraines. Some water with a very small portion of Cedar apple and vinegar should have every time one experiences pain due to migraines. Pain decreases directly with the help of this material. Another simple remedy is to drink plenty of water. Migraine headaches are sometimes caused when the body is dehydrated. So drink plenty of clean water and freshens the whole body system.

With improved technology and pay structures in almost all areas of the human mind, stress levels are also increased. Such as stress levels rise, likely migraine is also increasing. To combat stress, better to deviate one's mind through yoga, meditation, physical exercise and listen to classical music. Some simple breathing exercises improve blood circulation and oxygen uptake in the human body. It has a soothing effect on the nervous system and reduce cases of migraine. Other relaxation effects can be obtained by listening to classical music Professional doctors had induced the music therapy today to reduce migraine, spinal problems etc.

Therefore, with the right food and the right amount of water intake, migraines can be reduced to the greatest extent possible. This method is very simple if followed regularly, can cure migraines completely and give permanent relief to the patient.

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