15 Types Women First PREGNANCY SUPPLEMENTS for Every Women Needs HEALTY You Should Know

women first pregnancy supplement
women first pregnancy supplement

Due to active lifestyles, many women find that they do not get all the correct nutrients that their body needs to be, and  to stay healthy. It is for this reason that the health supplement industry is so popular with women.

I have listed below 15 of some of the most common types of health supplements for women and what each is used for.

The multivitamin is used by lots of women to give them a good all round boost of essential vitamins and mineral as recommended by leading health care professionals .

-Weight Loss Supplements
Many women use weight loss supplements to lose weight and get the body that they desire. Some of the most popular weight loss supplements are fat binders and hoodia gordonii pills to suppress appetite

-Folic Acid
Folic acid is used by women when they plan to have a baby. It  is normally take before conception and also during the pregnancy.  Folic acid helps to develop the baby's neural tube, which is an essential part of the baby's nervous system

Probiotics contain what is known as good bacteria. It helps to aid digestion and reduce bloating.

-Menopause Related Supplements
Women take supplement during the menopause to combat the negative effects they experience from it.

- Pregnancy and Conception Related Supplements
The regular use of pregnancy related supplements include folic acid as mentioned above and other special supplements to aid breast feeding and overall baby health.

-Hair and Skin Supplements
Women use hair and skin supplements to keep their skin and hair in top form and looking good. As appearance is very important to women these supplements prove very popular

-PMS Related
Women take special supplements to combat bad moods, period pain and hormonal acne. These special supplements help to balance the hormones and maintain and clam mood, and also reduce the pain from the period

Cranberry is commonly used as women are much more likely to from urinal tract infections and cranberry can be very effective in cleaning out the urinary tract and removing the bad bacteria that causes the infection in the first place.

Iron is for maintaining overall levels of fitness and health. It is thought that 9 out of 10 women do not consume enough iron in their diet.

-St John's Wort
St john's wort is a herbal anti depressant formula. Many women use this when they are feeling down. This can be very common just after giving birth.

Sage is commonly used by women to relieve night sweats and hot flushes that are common during the menopause

-Pumpkin seed extract
Pumpkin seed extract is used by women who sometimes suffer from a weak bladder when sneezing, laughing or lifting heavy objects

- Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh is a Native American herbal remedy to help combat menstrual pain and also hot flushes which are related to the menopause. It is also thought to increase the serotonin levels in your brain, this increase helps to lift moods and reduce feeling of anxiety and depression.

-Libido Enhancers
Women use libido enhancers to increase levels of sexual desire. The best and safest ones are the herbal supplements which only contain natural ingredients.

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