The Lowdown on Herbal Weight Loss

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An overwhelming number of people are constantly dieting; it is the norm that some people do as many as three different diets a year. This is because people do not want to be obese because of the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension to name a few diseases. Another reason they diet is to keep the thin, lithe frame that is in favor in this day and age. A current trend in dieting is herbal weight loss products.  Different herbs and supplements are used in weight loss, some focus on different things. Herbal products for weight loss is usually grouped into four groups; stimulants, diuretics, cathartics, or appetite suppressants.

Stimulants: These types of herbs act as a stimulant to speed up metabolism and to help the body burn more calories.

Diuretics: This type of herbal supplements control water weight. This weight loss method is most useful during pre menstrual and post menstrual times of a woman's cycle because they retain water and become bloated. This pill causes excess urination and this weight loss pill is not meant for long term weight loss and management.

Appetite suppressants: This type of  product acts as an appetite suppressant and can reduce hunger and cravings through stomach expansion, mood alteration or satisfying a certain taste (or hunger).

There are two types of herbal supplements, fresh herbs and herbal supp;ements that come in the form of pills and liquids or even in food forms.. Sometimes the difference between the two is minuscule, such as a eating a bundle of fresh parsley or taking a parsley pill made of dried parsley. Sometimes there is a large difference, since some herbs only grow in certain parts of the world and are not available to normal people that do not travel extensively. Here are a look at the pros and cons of fresh herb versus herbal pills.

Fresh herbal: Pros

Cost: Depending on the herb, some are readily available at the grocery store or can be grown in a garden. This means that the consumer has a readily available supply and is not reliant upon specific "seasons" where the herb is harvested commercially.

Nutrition: Herbs naturally have complicated plant structures that have vitamins, nutrients, and diet elements. Most commercial companies only process a portion of the plant that has the active ingredient. Many herbalist think that the whole form of the herb will provide the biggest benefit to the consumer because it has the most complete form of nutrition.

Fresh herbal: Cons

Availability: Unless a consumer travels extensively or is willing to pay a large sum to a private company, it is hard to have access to all of the herbal weight loss pills that are beneficial to weight loss. Some plants only grow in a specific place and those can be very remote.

Perishable: Fresh herbs can be dried but that loses some of the benefit of having the whole and fresh plant. Herbs remain useable for about a week if properly preserved.

Herbal pills: Pros

Accessibility: They are available at most herb or natural food stores and are even seen at bigger super markets. Large amounts are available for purchase online.

Convenience: An herbal weight loss pill is an easy way to take an herb - it is in pill form so it is virtually tasteless and only water is required to be paired with it. Fresh herbs require a lot of preparation on a day to day basis.

Herbal products and supplements come in many forms. They are also not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so it is important to understand what is being purchased and if it is from a reliable source. Herbal weight loss pills provide an alternative to other dieting supplements and are often harmless if taken as directed.

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