Best Exercises To Lose Weight - Women's Guide To Burning Fat Fast!

best exercise fast lose weight for women

Picking the best exercises to lose weight isn't as hard as it may seem to the non-fitness professional. Sure there are countless varieties of different cardio and non-cardio exercises (aerobic and anaerobic if you want to get technical), but in reality they break down to a few basics that you can apply to ANY of your favorite activities if you know the formula.

Asian women have used hundreds of exercises over the generations to quickly lose weight, from the martial art of Tai Chi to advanced yoga, and by using a few of their tips you can lock in on YOUR best exercises to lose weight.

Best Exercises To Lose Weight - The Skinny Asian Way 

Here's a few quick secrets that always work with my local weight-loss students, read through them and make them your new plan for success starting tomorrow!

1. Take your favorite movement, activity, or game, and turn it into one of your best exercises to lose weight.

If you don't choose something you enjoy doing, you won't stick with it. Just as you're about to make true progress you'll stop, or get bored, or even frustrated, and you'll quit.

You must pick an exercise that's something you actually have fun with, that way you can get excited to do it and look forward to it each day without the usual dread and hatred that most workouts cause!

It can be something as fun as dancing to fast music, or jumping rope with different moves, or even just a walk around the neighborhood. Any of these will work perfect as your best exercises to lose weight because you're going to apply my #2 secret:

2. The key to dropping weight quickly is to use a slow/fast/slow/fast rhythm to shock the body.

This is very easy once you get the hang of it, and will turn anything you do into one of your best exercises to lose weight. Start your favorite activity by doing it at a normal or moderate pace to warm up for a few minutes.

Then for 60 seconds I want you to increase your pace to the point where it's double or even triple the speed as you do normally. After that 60 seconds are up, go back to the slower more moderate pace for a minute and repeat the slow/fast/slow/fast cycle for a total of 20 minutes.

So for example if you enjoy walking, go for 60 seconds at a normal walking pace, followed by 60 seconds in which you're walking very quickly (as if you're late for a bus haha), followed by 60 seconds back at the normal pace...and so on.

It works because these slow/fast "intervals" are the perfect way to boost the body's metabolic rate dramatically, and have that boost last for up to 36 hours! Even sleeping will become one of your best exercises to lose weight if you follow the slow/fast interval plan properly at least three times a week...

3. Add this finishing touch to lose inches from even the most troublesome spots.

It can be frustrating to work out and eat right and still not lose any weight. If you fit that description I want you to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

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