Activities That Could Help CURE BREAST CANCER Naturally

how to cure breast cancer naturally
For those of you who suffer from breast cancer, will be required to follow any treatment or cure. Before, during, and after undergoing intensive treatment, there are many activities you can do, to help the quality of care as well as themselves. What are the activities:

1. Acupuncture

In this ancient practice is, a very thin needle is placed at points of your body. Research shows acupuncture boosts your immune system and be a pain relief naturally. Especially, reduce the side effects of breast cancer treatment. Such as nausea, pain, fatigue, and anxiety.

But, don't miss the schedule a consultation with a doctor because Your acupuncture therapy give priority focus. In fact, make sure your doctor knows there is an intention to perform acupuncture before give it a try. There may be side effects and in some cases physicians do not recommend acupuncture.

2. massage

Massage can relieve pain and provide relaxation before lumpektomi, mastectomy, or breast reconstruction. Some hospitals have an massage therapists on staff. After the operation, a special massage given by a trained therapist can help reduce the swelling.

Before the massage, talk with your doctor about your wishes. The doctor may recommend specific techniques, such as lymph drainage techniques.

3. Yoga

This form of exercise help connecting breath with movement. In addition, slow the heart rate, blood pressure, and Your brain waves. Women who follow yoga classes while undergoing radiation for breast cancer says tired and stressed they were reduced.

If you can do it on a regular basis, yoga can also reduce inflammation. Be sure to share your medical history with your instructor, so he knows the best way to help you.

4. Tai Chi

Chinese martial arts combines body movement is slow and graceful with breathing and meditation. Relax your mind in this way can help strengthen the body's durability.

Tai chi can reduce inflammation in people with breast cancer. Women who practiced tai chi for an hour in three times a week also claimed to feel better. Either that or health issues of their lives.

5. Art therapy

You don't have to be a great artist or adept to gain the benefits of art therapy. While you draw, paint, sculpt, or making crafts, can give you an opportunity in a revealed the fears and feelings of others that You may not want to talk about.

Working with a trained art therapist can help you feel better about your care. In fact, proven to reduce anxiety and depression that can help your self esteem.

6. Makeover

Side effects such as hair loss and skin problems afflicting many women. Some people who barely is reluctant to leave the House because it did not like his performance.

Conversely, when You feel better about your appearance, can improve the quality of your life and help you stay strong. Discover the beauty of the program that is right for you, like a wig, makeup on the face, or a bra for your body shape.

7. write Everything

If you write down your feelings about breast cancer, ranging from the hope until the greatest fear, you may notice there are different on your physical symptoms. Write it down in a journal or book diari can also improve mood.

In addition, it also helps you see the progress you have achieved. Don't worry about spelling or handwriting. Unplug it, let it flow, fokuslah on your mind and your goals.

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